Key Personnel
We help you make smarter decisions

CA M.G. Rao
CA M. G. Rao (MGR) is a Managing Partner of MGR & Co, a 1990 Qualified Chartered Accountant and Fellow Member of Institute of Chartered Accountants of India, holding vast experience in Auditing, Accounting, Direct & Indirect Taxation, Company Law matters & Banking Laws. In his 27 years of professional career, he has handled various big-ticket assignments in Real Estate, Construction & Infra Projects, related to Project Reports, Mergers & Acquisitions. During the period he has worked as Statutory Auditor of various PSUs, Government Companies and Banks. Apart from that, he was pivotal in assignments related to Investment Advisory Services, NRI Advisory services and Coordinating Statutory and C&AG Audits, Exposure in Capital Markets, Fundraising, Experience in Promoting Public issues. He holds extensive expertise & experience in Statutory Audit of PSUs and large corporations, Internal Audit, Performance & Turnaround exercises, Direct Taxation, and GST Advisory.

CA Rajendra D Mehta
Rajendra D Mehta is a senior most partner of MGR & Co. A Fellow member of the Institute of Chartered Accountants Of India qualified in 1973. In his more than 40 years of professional career, He has handled various key assignments related to Statutory Audit, Audit of PSUs in Oil & Gas sectors, various Govt audits and audit of Govt Schemes. He has played a key role in many big-ticket Mergers & acquisition assignments related to Infra, Real Estate, and Banks. He has extensive expertise in the areas of Direct and Indirect Taxation, International laws and Mergers & Acquisitions related compliance.

CA Suryanarayana Malapaka
CA Suryanarayana Malapaka is a 1987 Qualified Chartered Accountant and Fellow Member of Institute of Chartered Accountant of India. He is a seasoned expert of IFRS Implementation and an Expert Business Advisory with more than 40 Years of expertise in areas of Finance, System and Control implementation. Has played a pivotal role in internal, Forensic and special audits in Large PSUs, Corporations, PSU Banks, C&AG Audits. He was instrumental in assisting Govt in Coal Price Fixation as per international standard. Which did Govt. duly accept. He currently oversees projects & assignments related to Audit, Business Advisory, Turnaround consulting and IFRS Convergence Consulting.

CA Labhchand S Singhvi
CA Labhchand S Singhvi is a Fellow Member of The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India and a veteran expert in Statutory and Internal Audits, with more than 4 decades of experience accompanied by his eyes for details and practical approach to provide solutions on various control measurement, which is implemented to provide assurance and compliance related assurance. He has handled various assignments in Audit and control for PSUs, Banks, Govt. Organizations, Trusts, and international clients. His expertise extends to Specialized Audits, Performance Audits, Due Diligence in Mergers & Acquisitions, Control implementation. Currently, the overseas and advises our Compliance, Audit and Due Diligence team.

CA Inderchand B Surana
CA Inderchand B Surana is a Fellow Member of Institute of Chartered Accountants of India and a veteran Expert in Statutory and Internal Audits. He is Expert in Direct and Indirect taxation & an expert International tax advisor with more than 40 Years of expertise in the areas of Taxation, Audit, Management Consulting and Project Consulting, He is leading our firm to quickly learn and adapt to rapidly changing compliance environment of India. Has played a pivotal role in internal, Forensic and special audits in Large PSUs, Corporations, PSU Banks, C&AG Audits. Currently, he is spearheading our DT & IDT Team with focus on GST Compliance and Control.

CA Mallikarjuna G
CA Mallikarjuna G is a 1982 qualified Chartered Accountant and Fellow member of Institute of Chartered Accountants of India. He has handled various key assignments related to Statutory Audit, Audit of PSUs in Oil & Gas sectors, Various Govt. Audits and Audit of Govt. Schemes. He has played a key role in many big-ticket merger & acquisitions, Reconstitution, related to Infra, Real estate, and Banks. Currently, he is leading our Auditing and Assurance team and Client Engagement team.